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Shawna's Miraculous Podcast

Welcome to "Anything and Everything So Far," where we dive into a variety of topics and have some fun along the way. Join us as we bring on special guests to discuss subjects ranging from relationships and sex to business, finance, money, the environment, family, and parenting. Tune in for engaging conversations and insightful discussions on everything that matters.

Notes and disclaimers: 
Disclaimer: The following podcast is intended solely for entertainment purposes. Any thoughts, conversations, and points of view expressed are not to be construed as significant. The views and expressions presented reserve the right to be revoked or changed at any moment without prior notice, within a ten-second timeframe going forward. Listener discretion is advised.
Access Consciousness® is a registered and trademarked company and

name. The ideas and posts expressed on this podcast do not

necessarily reflect the teachings or points of view of Access

Consciousness® or Gary Douglas, or Dr. Dain Heer

Shawna's Miraculous Podcast